Posts filed under: Faith

Why Power Words? We can all do with some encouragement. It’s amazing how on a day when the mind is a little foggy, you and I need a little push forward. That’s when vision helps. Your vision gives your mind...
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How to Defeat Doubt and Live by Faith When you drive to go somewhere and you’re not sure of the direction, does it make you sweat? Some people can rely on the GPS while others hate to trust an electronic...
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Discover what can make a difference in the strength of your vision Why some people can focus on their vision whether it’s related to their fitness goal or else while others can’t? While some don’t work towards their fitness, everyone...
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At the start of last month, I guess you envisioned what you wanted done. So, you made a plan to make it happen. How did you go? Some people don’t like plans. They want to make things happen as they...
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CS Lewis was an atheist. It has been reported that more than 200 million copies of his book are sold. While alive, he was successful. However, he impacted many more lives after he’s left us. His experience about life led...
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