
“I’m so tired of trying so hard and I don’t know where to start or end.” Does that sound like your life? If you answer yes to this, you need to prevent the race of life from wearing you out.  Think...
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Knowing what you want out of life is important but it’s not enough. It takes more than boldness but humility as well to go ahead with your life goals. When it’s time for God to move you to a new...
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Sometimes life can appear complicated. It’s when we realise we have too much to do. Being busy is not what makes so many things happen. It’s when we get busy with the right things. To be busy with the right...
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Do you ever review your personal goals? Goal setting is an important and practical way to plan your actions in line with your vision for your life.  You can’t just keep working on your goals and never stop to find...
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How to Defeat Doubt and Live by Faith When you drive to go somewhere and you’re not sure of the direction, does it make you sweat? Some people can rely on the GPS while others hate to trust an electronic...
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Discover what can make a difference in the strength of your vision Why some people can focus on their vision whether it’s related to their fitness goal or else while others can’t? While some don’t work towards their fitness, everyone...
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Want to Discover how to Grab Hold of what your Heart Desires? You can design the life that suits you, your personality and your strengths. This will help you take what you want out of life and serve others. Don’t...
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At the start of last month, I guess you envisioned what you wanted done. So, you made a plan to make it happen. How did you go? Some people don’t like plans. They want to make things happen as they...
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CS Lewis was an atheist. It has been reported that more than 200 million copies of his book are sold. While alive, he was successful. However, he impacted many more lives after he’s left us. His experience about life led...
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Imagine you need to hear something uplifting. Let’s say you listen to Pharrell Williams singing Happy. By the time the song is over, your mood changes and you become happy. The singer has something special that enables him to share happiness...
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