Posts filed under: assignment

#1 Giving back to Society As a mentor, you share what you know and walk alongside someone on their journey. You listen to them if it’s applicable. You can only give what you know. You don’t need to give them...
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#1 Good intention The word ‘later’ is acceptable. It’s because it shows a person has a good intention. Later means I can’t do it right now but I will, I will later. This makes you feel good, right? Well, you...
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Sometimes life can appear complicated. It’s when we realise we have too much to do. Being busy is not what makes so many things happen. It’s when we get busy with the right things. To be busy with the right...
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Imagine you need to hear something uplifting. Let’s say you listen to Pharrell Williams singing Happy. By the time the song is over, your mood changes and you become happy. The singer has something special that enables him to share happiness...
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“A vision for your life leads to benefits that are life-changing.” The word vision may sound fancy or complex. Yet, when you can envision your future life and your activities become more manageable. So, it also permits you to look at...
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Why should you care about a vision for your life? When you get up in the morning, your life is filled with hope and faith. You then become so eager to make things happen. Because you can see where you’re...
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