“A vision for your life leads to benefits that are life-changing.”

The word vision may sound fancy or complex. Yet, when you can envision your future life and your activities become more manageable. So, it also permits you to look at your future under rose color glasses. You want a future that shines don’t you?

“Vision enables you to picture your ideal path.” Fab Batsakis

It doesn’t matter if what you want is distant. If you can see it with the eyes of your heart, you can have it. You need faith and more but you will get there. An ideal picture of your God-inspired future helps you serve others and please him. Pleasing God will keep you on the right track till the end of your days.

Freedom is God-given.

“As a token of thanks to him, let your inner eyes empower you to choose not any dream but what is right in God’s sight.”

As a result, your dream will not only happen but it will be your God-given assignment.

Life offers so many choices and too many paths. How do you choose what’s right? You need to know what is right and wrong for you. This will help you make the right choices. When you have access to open doors, you will know which one to enter. 

“Knowing what you value the most can assist you in simplifying your life.”

You get to do things that matter to you because you know what they are; these things may differ to what other people in your world will value.  

Without a vision, life is busy and there’s way too much to do. Once you eliminate what is not relevant to your life’s assignment, there are lots of interesting things to do but you know you don’t have to do them.  Because you can see where you are going, you can focus on what matters the most to you. An example of how life becomes simpler with a vision is, you’ll know what to buy and what to avoid buying. It’s easier to know your needs and your wants but you know you don’t have to have everything.

“Vision gives you less to do.”

It’s not that you will not be busy but you get to be busy with your most significant activities. So, to let go of what is not part of your priority. Saying no becomes easier. It’s not that you enjoy saying no because it feels better to say yes. Once you make room for what is more important, there’s no room left for the other good things.

You can live with not getting to be part of everything as long as you get to be who you need to be.

Which benefits are helpful to your life vision? What are the additional benefits not mentioned above? Share your thoughts here. Let others benefit from this.

Read more articles:

  1. 3 Keys to Simplify your Life Path
  2. Why a vision for your life will help you maximize your time
  3. 7 dangerous ways the word ‘later’ can affect your life
  4. 3 simple and most powerful tips to defeat the ‘do it later’ syndrome
  5. Take a Leap of Faith to Get What You Want out of Life